Wednesday 14 March 2012

Those Glute destroying foods

Seeing that our weekly challenge is to strengthen our glutes and thighs, I decided to make this week GLUTE week!

#Fitness Magazine March/April edition#

Junk food: You know it is high in fat and calories, but did you know that fast food contains high levels of sodium that can be an obstacle to your weight-loss goals? Sodium leads to water retention  and makes you feel sluggish by sapping your energy, which you need to work off the weight.
Simple carbs: Not only do they lack nutritional value, but energy from foods like white bread and refined sugar usually heads straight for your abdomen, butt and hips. Steer clear of them!

Empty calories: There are some foods that don’t contain many nutrients, so they don’t make you feel full after consuming them. This means they are a waste of your daily food intake as you only eat hollow calories. Such weight-causing villains include sweetened drinks, sodas, juices high in sugar or drinks with milk or whipped cream. (

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