Wednesday 28 March 2012

Importance of setting Goals

We had leadership training yesterday and today @ work and I realised again just how important it is to set your goals. We as Humans have to have something that we are working towards.
It is very important that you set achievable goals and set it up in a way that does not seem impossible, coz if it does seem -even just a little bit impossible- it would be much easier to give up on those goals.

If your goal, like mine, is to weigh 57kg, you have to work out how many kg's you have to lose in a week. You HAVE to have a time frame/deadline in which you have had to reach your goal. My deadline is 30 June 2012. That means that I have to a tiny 100g per week that I have to loose. Keep in mind that the less you have to loose, the harder it gets. Do your preparation and plan how you are going to reac your goals. It is also very important to have a visual vision/goal. Make a vision board that you see every day. Put one on your fridge to keep you from eating nonsense and keep another one on your desk at work, to keep you going.
Never give up and when the challenge gets hard, remind yourself of your ultimate goal.
Good luck! Please share your goals!

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