Friday 30 March 2012

Weekend Workout

With my knee being a bit swollen still I will not be able to do much this weekend. I cannot run until I got the OK from my physio, but at least I can cycle! So my plan of action for this weekend, hit gym tonight and cycle for 45 mins - 1hour. Tomorrow, cycle 30-45 mins followed by some ab and arm reps. Sunday I will be training at home, so  not sure what I will be doing... Leg exercises, squats, lunges etc probably.

You have no excuse though, get crackin! Follow this link for an awesome weekend workout to make up for the slacking during the week. Remember, it is not about how many times you have  failed, it is about how many times you got back up again.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Super Motivation

Importance of setting Goals

We had leadership training yesterday and today @ work and I realised again just how important it is to set your goals. We as Humans have to have something that we are working towards.
It is very important that you set achievable goals and set it up in a way that does not seem impossible, coz if it does seem -even just a little bit impossible- it would be much easier to give up on those goals.

If your goal, like mine, is to weigh 57kg, you have to work out how many kg's you have to lose in a week. You HAVE to have a time frame/deadline in which you have had to reach your goal. My deadline is 30 June 2012. That means that I have to a tiny 100g per week that I have to loose. Keep in mind that the less you have to loose, the harder it gets. Do your preparation and plan how you are going to reac your goals. It is also very important to have a visual vision/goal. Make a vision board that you see every day. Put one on your fridge to keep you from eating nonsense and keep another one on your desk at work, to keep you going.
Never give up and when the challenge gets hard, remind yourself of your ultimate goal.
Good luck! Please share your goals!

My Testimony

We had another meeting with the Holy Spirit yesterday, His Fire rained down on us and what a feeling! It hit me like a fire - pun intended! It was so sudden and unexpected, something that I cannot describe and that you have to feel for yourself.

God also healed my knee 100% It is so amazing to know that I will NEVER again have any issues with my knee and I thank God for his Mercy and Grace.
We serve an Almighty and Powerful God!

Sunday 25 March 2012

Home Workout

I absolutely love this Lady's home exercise videos, using equipment that we all have at home. Give it a try and remember your exercise log!


Awesome Ab's #6#

Squat Thrust with Twist

I avoided this move at first because I thought it had "wrenched back" written all over it. But after doing slooowly at first and testing where the back tweaking would begin, I found the threshold between "yikes" and "yes!"
Do it:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms in front of you at shoulder height.
  • Begin by squatting down, bending your knees 90 degrees, and twisting your upper body to the left.
  • Now come up and repeat the exercise to the right.
  • Keep your weight in your heels and don't allow your knees to jut forward away from your toes.
  • Keep your knees facing forward as your chest and shoulders move side to side.
  • For the best results, bend your knees as close to 90 degrees as possible.

VIDEO: See squat thrust with twist

I hurt my knee while showing Daniel how to jump when getting ready for Tennis today. My knee is much, much stronger than what it was before, I just can't jump.. haha but I can run 10k's
I still remember the exercises that I did for my knee when I had the physio, will be doing that from the start again. At least my knee is not nearly as painful as last time and I do not think that the injury is that bad. We will be praying for it on Tuesday anyway, so I will never have to worry about knee injuries ever again!! :)

Friday 23 March 2012

Understanding Calories

What is a Calorie ... and Why Should I Care?
The official definition of a calorie is "...the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of a liter of water 1 degree (DHHS)." But if that's a little too scientific for you, think of it this way...
A calorie isn't actually a tangible thing, it's a unit of measurement.
A calorie measures the energy in food and beverages we take in. We all need that energy to live. Everything we do relies on the energy that comes in the form of calories.
The food we eat becomes the fuel that runs our bodies. Drinks also contain calories; sodas, for example, are referred to as "empty calories" meaning they carry no other nutritional value; but the calories definitely still count.
No matter the form of your calories ... if you "overload your tank" you will find yourself gaining weight.
Understanding caloric needs is an integral part of weight loss. Research over the years has proven -- whether diets focus on fat or carbs -- that calories still count. Why? Regardless of what diet you're following, if you take in more calories than you need ... you gain weight.
The daily recommended caloric intake for the average American maintaining their weight is 2,000 calories, give or take a few: Men can eat a little more, women, less. Your specific, individual calorie needs depend on several factors such as your activity level and metabolism.

Where are Calories?

Calories are found in four components of foods. They are: fat, carbohydrates, protein and alcohol (i.e., sugar). Fat contains twice the calories of carbohydrates or protein.

MY Motivation, if she can do it, then so can I

Thursday 22 March 2012

Awesome Ab's #4#

The Prone Plank

A super-simple, do-anywhere move that zips up your abs a la Ms. Stefani. (Fingers crossed.)
Do it:

  • Get into a full pushup position with your palms on the floor beneath your shoulders.

  • Hold here for 30 seconds, with your abs contracted and your arms and legs extended and your head aligned with your spine.

  • As you build strength, hold this position longer, up to one minute.

  • Go deeper: Try the one-arm stable switching plank.

VIDEO: Try the prone plank
VIDEO: Try the one-arm stable switching plank

My official RunFree.RunJozi experience

We arrived @ Milpark at about 15h45 and arrived with the busses at the starting point around 16h00. Needless to say, a long wait was to come. Ronel (who was kind enough to offer me a lift to the event) and I sat and walked around- in the rain I might add for the first hour or so- and finally took up our positions in the middle of the bunch while waiting for the race to get going.
While waiting I noticed that my feet had started to pain and I thought “Oh no, I haven’t even started the race yet”
3 hours had finally passed and it was time to get Jozirun on the go. Excitement filled the air and everyone was slowly but surely getting rid of their plastic raincoats which we got earlier when exiting the bus.
5,4,3,2,1 and off we went. A slow start and some pushing to get everyone past the starting point. As we crossed the Nelson Mandela Bridge we were greeted by fireworks lighting up the night sky and showing us the way into the streets of Jozi. I got Goosebumps as the realisation kicked in of what was happening and that was being part of one of the biggest events in the making of Jozi history.  
Even though I lost my running partner early in the race, I got a steady pace and kept it going all through the race. There was not a single piece of road that we did not have Locals motivating us, cheering for us and keeping us going one step at a time.
When we had reached the 6km mark, I had only stopped once on a steep hill and I was very proud of myself. During the whole race I walked 3 times, all 3 on steep hills.
We must have ran about 7k’s when one local shouted “come on guys, only 1km to go”. Could this be, could we only have 1k to go… Well I had hoped that it was the truth, but that was the longest kilometre of my life.
When the racers saw the Finish line, no-one dared be caught walking. We all got our chins up and jogged the last couple of 100 metres, proud to say that “I did it, I ran free in Jozi”
This was an experience that I am so glad I had the privilege of doing and one that I will never forget. Thank you Nike and Jozi for an unforgettable race!

#10km to a new obsession#

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Weekly Challenge #2#

This week's challenge is going to be an easy one compared to last week's challenge. All I want you to do this week, is to keep a food journal. Write everything down that you eat, from the moment that you wake up in the morning until you go to bed at night. If you want to take it a step further, also note your calorie intake per meal. If you don't know what the intake is, you can google the recipe and/or product and work on a rough estimate.

Calorie intake differs from person to person, go view this website to work out your calorie intake.
Please make sure that you aren't tricked into paying for something, do not enter your CC details...

Continue with last week's one leg squat challenge, but up your number of squats to 10 per leg or do 5 squats per leg but go lower than last week when doing the squats.

I will be updating my daily journal on my blog to keep you guys motivated to keep your own journal. Don't leave anything out!

I found this awesome template of a food journal, make a similar template for your week, or print the one below. Follow the link to go to the full page.

Awesome Ab's #3#

Opposite Arm and Leg Raise

Done during my workout warm-up, this move makes me feel longer, steadier, and seriously balanced. Thanks, core!
Do it:

  • Begin on all fours, aligning your knees under your hips and your wrists under your shoulders.

  • Raise your left arm to shoulder height and your left leg to hip height.

  • Hold for 2 counts, reaching forward with your fingers and back with your heels.

  • Repeat this exercise on the opposite side.

  • Do 15 to 20 reps, alternating sides.

  • For a bigger challenge, touch your opposite elbow to your knee as you pull your arm and leg in.

VIDEO: See opposite arm and leg raise

Monday 19 March 2012

Self Motivation- Why I think it is so important

Everyone of us find ourselves in a situation where we just don't feel like going the extra mile. We don't feel like putting in the effort. We don't feel like doing anything. I am not only talking about exercising, but about anything that you could possibly think of. Life consists of daily challenges, be it at home or at work. It's what we make of those challenges and where we pull our strengthfrom that makes us who we are.

I rely on God for my strength. Sometimes I forget how much I need Him, but I am quickly reminded. And it is great how things just 'seem' to fall into place once I give my problems and worries to Him.
We all have our own ways of dealing with everyday crap. Find a way that works for you.
I too often find myself wanting to rely on other people for recognition and motivation. When you rely on people and not on God you are bound to be disappointed.
We might not be able to see God with the naked eye, but He is everywhere around us. He is in us.
Stop seeking your praise from man, start seeking your praise from God. Start praising God.

When we get our power and strength and motivation from Him, our motivation is contagious.
You will not always get motivation from your friends, but commit to be their motivation. Commit to motivating yourself. This is all you need to succeed. Nothing is impossible through Him who gives us strength.

Surround yourself with positive and motivated people. Surround yourself with motivating pictures and set your goals weekly, monthly and yearly. Never give up on your goals. Never give up on YOU

Run Free. Run Jozi

Jip, you guessed it, we are back in the game! 1, almost2  days to go before Jozirun and I am nervous but excited. I have not trained as hard as I could have as I thought that we did not make the entries (not like that is an excuse anyway).
We got our goodie-bags today, with t-shirts, reflective body paint and much more to make sure that we are all visible when running/walking. Thank you NIKE and Jozi for giving us this opportunity.
Race is taking place on 21 March 2012 @19h00.
My aim is to do the 10km in less than 2 hours. I am pushing for 90mins, but not sure if that is realistic... We will take lots and lots of pics so that we can share all the fun and excitement with you guys!

Glimpse below of what our awesome T's look like

Awesome Ab's #3#

The Hundred

A machine- (and accessory-) free Pilates move that afterwards always makes me think 1) "Uh, we sure sounded like we're doing Lamaze," and 2) "Wow."
Do it:

  • Sit tall on the mat with your knees bent by your chest and your hands at your sides.

  • Lie down with your knees bent and your palms facing down.

  • Exhale and raise your head and shoulders off the mat.

  • Vigorously pump your arms 6 inches up and down, reaching with your fingertips.

  • Inhale for 5 pumps, then exhale for 5 pumps. Be sure to curl your chin in toward your chest.

  • Do 100 pumps, or 10 full breaths.

  • Try to keep your lower back pressed in toward the floor and keep your lower abs pulled in toward your spine. You should keep your abs engaged this way throughout the workout.

VIDEO: See the hundred

Sunday 18 March 2012

Beth Horn's Killer Glute Exercises

This glute exercises you can easily do at home as well. As stated in the video, start with no weights at all and work your way up.
Good luck and happy tight glutes!

Awesome Ab's #2

The Side Crunch

A deceptively difficult move, the side crunch tests your balance while it teases your oblique muscles. (It worked my hips in a way I've not felt in a while, too.)
Do it:

  • Kneel on the floor and lean all the way over to your right side, placing your right palm on the floor.

  • Keeping your weight balanced, slowly extend your left leg and point your toes.

  • Place your left hand behind your head, pointing your elbow toward the ceiling.

  • Next, slowly lift your leg to hip height as you extend your arm above your leg, with your palm facing forward.

  • Look out over your hand while bringing the left side of your rib cage toward your hip.

  • Lower to your starting position and repeat 6 to 8 times.

  • Do two sets of 6 to 8 reps, and then switch sides.

VIDEO: See the side crunch

Saturday 17 March 2012

Wanna go bigger?

#Fitness March-April#

If you have your eye on achieving larger, more toned gluteal muscles then focus on strenght training. Make sure you increase your weight and repetitions, rest for shorter periods between sessions and remember to toughen up your workouts too. For instance, use a higher resistance during cardio or cycling session. (

Awesome Ab's

Next week we are going to start concentrating on our Ab's. I will post video's, links and some tips on how to get the perfect tummy.

Abdominal Hold

This is the sort of move that looks so wonky, you sure hope your roommate doesn't catch you doing it -- unless she also gets to see you look stellar in a bathing suit, in which case she just may pull up a chair.
Do it:

  • Sit tall on the edge of a sturdy chair (or step with four risers) and place your hands on the edge with your fingers pointing toward your knees.

  • Tighten your abs and bring your toes 2 to 4 inches off the floor. Lift your butt off the chair.

  • Hold this position for as long as you can -- aim for 5 to 10 seconds.

  • Lower yourself down and repeat.

  • Continue this exercise for 1 minute.

VIDEO: See the abdominal hold

Friday 16 March 2012

Happy weekend!

make the right choices when it comes to food this weekend. And keep going with the weekly challenge. I am excited to see the weekly results

***Tip of the day***

Take bigger steps today while walking and walk faster!

Doctors who are interested in measuring life expectancy may now have a simple way to do it — researchers have discovered that walking speed can be a useful predictor of how long older adults live.
Those who walked 1 meter per second (about 2.25 mph) or faster consistently lived longer than others of their age and sex who walked more slowly, the study showed.

"We're able to show that a person's capacity to move strongly reflects vitality and health," said study researcher Dr. Stephanie Studenski, a professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh.
However, the researchers also emphasized that the purpose of this study wasn't to get people to walk faster in hopes of living longer.

"Your body chooses the walking speed that is best for you, and that is your speed, your health indicator," Studenski said. "And that's what it really is: an indicator. Going out and walking faster does not necessarily mean you will suddenly live longer. You still need to address the underlying health issues."
The researchers showed they could reliably predict the 10-year survival rate of a group of people based on how fast they walked along a 4-meter track.
The walking speed for those with the average life expectancy was about 0.8 meters per second (about 1.8 mph) for most age groups of both sexes. Walking speed was a more accurate predictor of life expectancy than age or sex, the study showed. 
The numbers were especially accurate for those older than 75. This suggests that for older people, walking speed could be a sort of "vital sign," like blood pressure and heart rate, the researchers said.
"When you think about it, a sick person would not have that certain spring in their steps. Therefore, it should not be surprising that walking speed can provide a simple glimpse into aging and health status," Studenski said.

The findings were based on analysis of nine previous studies that examined the walking speed, sex, age, body mass index, medical history and survival rate of almost 34,500 people.

The way we walk and how quickly we can walk depends on our energy, movement control and coordination, which, in turn, requires the proper functioning of multiple body systems, including the cardiovascular, nervous and musculoskeletal systems, Studenski told MyHealthNewsDaily. Because of this, researchers have associated walking speed with health in the past.

"But in the past, we simply knew that walking faster was better," said Dr. Matteo Cesari, who wrote an editorial accompanying the new findings, but was not involved in the study.
"This study provides us the numerical basis to estimate survival for each walking speed measured on an older person," Cesari said.
"When we measure, for example, blood pressure, we need a cut-off point to understand whether it is normal or not. Similarly, we now have a cut-off point to understand whether the overall health of a person is normal for his/her age by simply testing their walking speed," Cesari told MyHealthNewsDaily.
Studenski said this finding will have many practical applications. It is a quick and inexpensive way for seniors to gauge their own health. Similarly, doctors can monitor and remedy their patients' quality of life based on this. Walking speed, and in turn, mobility, will be a useful way to measure whether someone is still maintaining a healthy, active and independent lifestyle.

Pass it on: Older adults who walk faster than 1 meter per second may live longer than those who walk more slowly.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Feel the burn

I looove the feeling of stiff muscles in the morning! makes you feel that you really worked hard and pushed to the limits.

I hope those Glutes are burning, mine sure are! I had a great run this morning and I am quite pleased with myself. Last time I tried I could only run 800m without stopping. This morning I did 2km on 7.4 speed level and after that I did another 1km on 8.8 speed level. Total 3km in 23mins. It was awesome! It is great to see how my body is getting stronger and how my endurance is growing.

Remember to do your one leg squats today, you cannot do less than yesterday. Do the same amount of reps or more. Even if only 1 more.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Those Glute destroying foods

Seeing that our weekly challenge is to strengthen our glutes and thighs, I decided to make this week GLUTE week!

#Fitness Magazine March/April edition#

Junk food: You know it is high in fat and calories, but did you know that fast food contains high levels of sodium that can be an obstacle to your weight-loss goals? Sodium leads to water retention  and makes you feel sluggish by sapping your energy, which you need to work off the weight.
Simple carbs: Not only do they lack nutritional value, but energy from foods like white bread and refined sugar usually heads straight for your abdomen, butt and hips. Steer clear of them!

Empty calories: There are some foods that don’t contain many nutrients, so they don’t make you feel full after consuming them. This means they are a waste of your daily food intake as you only eat hollow calories. Such weight-causing villains include sweetened drinks, sodas, juices high in sugar or drinks with milk or whipped cream. (

Gluteal Muscles - Get to know your body

Gluteal muscles

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Gluteus maximus
The gluteal muscles are the three muscles that make up the buttocks: the gluteus maximus muscle, gluteus medius muscle and gluteus minimus muscle.



[edit] The gluteal muscles

The gluteus maximus is the largest of the gluteal muscles and one of the strongest muscles in the human body. It inserts at the iliotibial band and the gluteal tuberosity of the femur. Its action is to extend and to laterally rotate the hip, and also to extend the trunk.

[edit] Problems associated with the gluteal muscles

Muscles of the gluteal and posterior femoral regions. Gluteus minimus and the origins and insertions of medius and maximus labeled
Sitting for long periods can lead to the gluteal muscles atrophying through constant pressure and disuse. This may be associated with (although not necessarily the cause of) lower back pain, difficulty with some movements that naturally require the gluteal muscles, such as rising from the seated position, and climbing stairs. Some[who?] attribute severe menstrual cycles including mood swings and irritability to gluteal muscle atrophy, however, there are a vast array of known contributors to dysmenorrhoea, and currently clinical evidence of such a causative association is lacking.
The bulk of the gluteal muscle mass contributes only partially to shape of the buttocks. The other major contributing factor is that of the panniculus adiposus of the buttocks, which is very well developed in this area, and gives the buttock its characteristic rounded shape. Although the gluteal muscle bulk and tone can be improved with massage and exercise, it is the disposition of the overlying panniculus adiposus which may be responsible for the "sagging butt" phenomenon. Exercise in general (not only of the gluteal muscles but of the body in general) which can contribute to fat loss can lead to reduction of mass in subcutaneal fat storage locations on the body which includes the panniculus, so for leaner and more active individuals, the glutes will more predominantly contribute to the shape than someone less active with a fattier composition. The degree of body fat stored in various locations such as the panniculus is dictated by genetic and hormonal profiles.

[edit] Treatment

Studies have shown that exercise and massage are effective at reversing and protecting against atrophy of these muscles.
Poisoning by eating Lathyrus sativus Indian Pea or khesari dhal will lead to emaciation of buttock muscles (Neurolathyrism).

[edit] Exercise and stretching

Any exercise that works and/or stretches the buttocks is suitable, for example lunges, hip thrusts, climbing stairs, fencing, bicycling, rowing, squats, arabesque, aerobics, and various specific exercises for the bottom.
Powerlifting exercises which are known to significantly strengthen the gluteal muscles include the squat, deadlift, leg press, feet in squats (chin on chest & stick glutes out) and good mornings (bend over with a bar on the shoulders with a light amount of weight).

[edit] See also

Gluteal crease

Weekly Challenge

I know that it is the middle of the week and a strange time to begin a weekly challenge, but there is no such thing as a bad time for exercise.

I will be doing weekly challenges, starting today!

This week's challenge: 1 leg squats

Stand with your legs straight beneath your body. Put one leg in the air and your arms straight out in front of you for balance. Go down on the standing leg as far as you can. Your ultimate goal is to have the same posture as the lady in the picture. Tighten your glutes (bum) and your thighs, in fact tighten all your muscles in your body and be in control of your muscles. Push yourself up until you are in the standing position. Do not lower your leg that is in the air.

Do 5 reps per leg. The challenge is to do this as much as you can daily. Keep a journal and make note of the amount of times that you did the 1 leg squats per day. Make an effort to do this every time you go to the bathroom.

Only go as low as is comfortable. Do not hurt yourself. Be careful not to sway to the side when pushing up as this means that you have not tighten your glutes and thighs.

I will be updating you guys daily as to the amounts of 1leg squats (reps) that I got into my daily routine.

You WILL see results in 1 week! Commit and do as much as you can daily.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Myth Busted #As long as you eat healthy foods, you can eat as much as you want#

A calorie, is a calorie. Although oatmeal is healthy, if you have four cups of oatmeal, the calories add up. "Healthy or otherwise, you still must be aware of portion sizes," says Bender. "You must limit your caloric intake in order to lose weight; however, understanding how to 'balance' calorie intake throughout your day can help you avoid feelings of deprivation, hunger and despair," adds Bender.

Where have I been...

This past weekend we went to Ramfest and what an experience it was! In Flames was awesome! So sorry for not updating my blog, cell phone connection was pretty bad and I am not 100% sure how to work my blog from my cell phone yet..

I tried being health conscious, with the food I did not do so well but sure that I still managed to get my daily recommendation of 10 000 steps with all the walking we did!

Rest assured, I am back and more motivated than ever! I had an awesome encounter with the Holy Spirit tonight, nothing can break my spirit!

Are you ready! Coz I sure am!

Home workouts

Not everyone has access to a gym, but we all have a chair, a backpack or a couch that we can use to do our exercises with. Over the next couple of months I will be sharing youtube links with you guys for workouts that you can easily do at home. Be warned, these ladies have killer bodies. Do not be demotivated by this, but rather let it motivate you even more!

Thursday 8 March 2012

As mentioned in a previous blog, our entries were not accepted for the Jozirun. I have since entered a trail run @ Owls Nest in PTA that is taking place on the 29th of March. I am looking forward to my first trail run and will have to get myself in as much shape as I can. 

We will be running a 4x4 course which should be quite challenging and seeing that it is a night run we have to have either a headlamp or a torche.

Get yourself invloved, take the step and enter yourself into some sort of a race. This should get you going, if not before the race then surely afterwards as you would never want to feel the way that you did after the race ever again.

Not in the mood

Tonight, I am just not in the mood to be healthy or do exercise. I just want to relax in front of the TV and do absolutely nothing. But it is days like these that truly test your commitment, commitment to yourself and to what you set out to achieve.

You have to push yourself, even when you are not in the mood. So tonight, even when I don't feel like doing anything, I will get my butt off the cough and ZUMBA!

It is important to do something that you love and enjoy. If you don't enjoy going to the gym, then go dancing, hiking, mountain biking... there is so much to choose from. Do not give up on the search, you will find something that you love and that is perfect for you and your lifestyle. Also remember that it does take hard work and sacrifice, but it is all worth it in the end. It is worth it to say, ' Hey. I did this. I made it.'

Tuesday 6 March 2012

##Myth Busted ## Lifting heavy weights make women bulk up

REALITY: Women don’t have enough of the muscle-building hormone testosterone to get bulky, even using heavy weights. The truth is, some people will gain muscle faster than they lose fat, so they may look bigger until they shed some of the flab and reveal the slim, toned muscles underneath. Shape sleek muscles with this workout from The Biggest Loser's Jillian Michaels.

Sweat is not a measure of intensity

"The process of sweating does not require active calorie burning" says Michele Olson, Ph.D. After all, we can sweat standing in the sun or sitting in a hot yoga room. Sweating is the simple process of cooling the body. Monitoring your heart rate or perceived level of exertion is a better indicator of workout intensity

#Inside Fitness#

If you, like me, tend to sweat really quickly during a workout, do not use your sweat as a measure of level of intensity. And if you do not sweat that easily, do not be discouraged by your lack of sweat.

The last time that I went for a run, I ended up with an injured knee... Tonight I decided that it was time to hit the road again - And what fun I had! In gym I have been concentrating on my breathing a lot more and noticed that with controlled breathing I could run much further. I controlled my breathing tonight on the road as well, what a great outcome. I ran for a total of 35mins- some walking as well- not sure about the km's, will update tomorrow. My calves burnt like crazy and my upper legs are still a bit numb- I love the feeling that a good workout gives me!

Tip of the day

By Garmin Lady (Michelle) and Jess:
Exercise is only 30%. Healthy eating is 70%. You cannot expect to see results if you only give 30% and not 100%

ALWAYS give 100%. If you fail, do not give up. Get up and try again until you succeed.

Good morning

Good morning World! I am back! I have not been myself for the last couple of days, being tired and demotivated whatever I do. I am glad to report that I have found myself again!
I am very sad to announce that due to there not being anymore space our applications for the Jozirun have been denied! I will not let this get me down though. Trail running here I come!
I will only be doing my 6km run tonight, I really hope that I can better my last time as I have not been running as much for the past week.
I am so proud of my mom, she has also taken the first step to getting healthy. Good luck with your training my mom, you are going to be great! NEVER give up!

Sunday 4 March 2012

Nike Free Run - Jozirun

My next challenge is the Jozirun  - taking place on the 21st of March in JHB. My little brother will be joining me in this epic race. I cannot wait! Doing my 6km run again today, this time not on the treadmill but on the road. Excited to see if I can beat my previous time..

#Exercise Tip# Say bye-bye to your belly #Fitness#

Aerobic activity, such as jogging, cycling and swimming, is regarded as highly efficient when targeting unwanted belly fat, according to study a study at Duke University Medical centre.

Adventure Boot Camp (ABC) sponsored by Garmin

As you might have guessed, my sister won a boot camp and chose me as her partner in crime which I was extremely grateful for. The boot camp happened yesterday morning @ 09h30 at George Lea Park in Sandton. I was very nervous to begin off with as I was early for the first time I think ever and ended up having to wait 40mins for the event to start. When my Sis got there we made our way to the Garmin tent and there were were coloured cones, netball balls, jumping ropes and some more cones everywhere you looked. Oh and a rope ladders of course.. During the introduction they explained Garmin's role in the boot camp coz - if like me -you thought that Garmin only does satellite navigation for your car, you were wrong. 6 volunteers could each wear one of Garmin's heart rate monitors, step counter and watch, that picks up the data from the heart rate monitor and step counter and shows what your heart rate was during the event, time lapsed and total calories burnt. I of course had to be one of the 6! With my Sis pushing and looking like she is ready to jump anyone who dares to not give me a watch, it all came down to a ching chong cha- best out of 3 -that would determine who would wear the last available gear. Now I saw myself as quite a pro as Daniel and I play this game in the car on our way to school in the mornings. He is a very good player and usually out-thinks me. For the first time ever I thought and planned what my next move would be while trying to establish what my opponent's next move would be. I won 2 out of 3 with my paper beating rock both times. While my sister tried to get the heart monitor on (which is a strap that had to be secured below my sport bra's strap) the photographer went absolutely crazy, so keep an eye out for us in the next Cleo magazine or check out ABC's website.

It was time for the boot camp to begin, we did some slow jogging in school -of - fish-like motion having to pass our cones to one another ensuring that you do not have the same colour cone each time you take a new one. After this we did some warm up stretches and the hecticness was soon to follow. We took turns with sit-ups and jumping rope across the field, resistance running -with your partner trying to hold you back with the rope across your hips- and my favourite was ab-exercise where we had to pass a netball ball to our partner, touching the floor on your one side before you can pass the ball- with your feet in the air. We had so much fun and my sister was so motivational and inspirational. I had such a great bonding experience with her and we are def going to do more of these type of activities together. I cannot elaborate on all the exercise activities that we did as I would be writing for quite some time, but let's just say that my arms wanted to give in after all the push-ups. We had to team up with 2 other teams for the closing challenge, a race! Now being as self-driven as we are, my sister and I were determined to win. We were the pink team (not saying that colour had anything to do with it, but pink is a pretty cool colour). We had to sprint to the rope ladder with a cone in our hand, double step between each ladder-step, sprint to the cone on the other end and drop it on top of that one, and do the same going back. Tag next team member and so on until all the cones are on the other end. We were in the lead but by the second lap we were head-to -head with another team. We all did our best and ran as fast as we could. I was the last one to go and on my way back I remember thinking, do not look back, just go-go-go, push-push-push. It worked and we WON! We were all thrilled that after all the exercise we still got all our strength together and pushed ourselves to the max.

We had snacks after that and they gave out Garmin goodie-bags for a few ladies. They had a prize to give for each letter of GARMIN. My fab sister won Miss Racey! She motivated all the ladies in our last team challenge and applauded them and gave recognition after they had completed their task. She is such a team player.

It was time to do the reading of the Garmin toys and so turned out that I had burnt 647 calories in 60mins! My max heart rate was 190 beats p/m and average was in the 160 beats p/m.

I am extremely proud of us for giving our best at all times, pushing to the limit and never giving up - not even once.

Thank you for the awesome experience ABC and thanks my Sis for sharing this amazing opportunity with me xoxo

***Check out, there are weekly bootcamps for 4 weeks at a time in all areas. It is so worth it! ***