Tuesday 10 April 2012

Fun Fitness Facts - a must read

Some of this you might have known already, but still worth the read

Fun Fitness Facts About Exercise

  • There is only one type of exercise that requires you hold your breath in order to accomplish the exercise. What is it? It's swimming underwater.
  • If you had every single muscle in your body work together at the same time, you could lift about 50,000 pounds.
  • If you are not a regular exerciser, by the time you are 65 you may experience as much as an 80% decrease in your muscle strength.
  • By the time you have reached old age, you will have walked approximately 70,000 miles.
  • The best way to judge whether or not you are exercising at too high of an intensity is to see whether or not you can carry on a conversation. If you can't, you may want to back off of the intensity just a little until you can.
  • Bodies are creatures of habit. The more you exercise, the more your body learns to burn fat rather than storing it.
  • No wonder your feet hurt - running puts four to seven times your body weight in pressure on your feet.
  • Regular exercise is linked to better sex, because it can improve body image, energy, self-esteem and overall fitness.
  • Dancing is a terrific and fun form of exercise that can improve cardiovascular fitness just like any other more formal type of exercise.
  • If you're always in a bad mood, then getting fit just may help. Regular exercise can enhance mood and overall well-being.
  • The top three factors that determine whether or not you will stick to your exercise routine include having support, finding a workout that you like and knowing what you're doing. Your recipe for fitness success just may be working out with a buddy doing something you love after having received formal education on how to do it.
  • If you have an inactive spouse, chances are that you will be inactive, too.
  • In spite of what you may have read, there is no "best time to exercise." It turns out that the best time to exercise is when it works for you.
  • Women's top three recreational activities are walking, aerobics and working out, while men's top three are golf, basketball and walking.
  • Regular exercise can reduce the signs and symptoms of PMS.
  • Being dehydrated reduces exercise performance. Make sure you hydrate for peak performance during a workout.
  • Visualization can help to improve your workout. By visualizing yourself completing the exercise before you actually perform it, then you will be able to perform the exercise with more intensity and effectiveness.
  • Visualization of specific exercise actually causes the muscle synapses to fire as if you were performing the exercise. Does this mean that you can get all of your exercise in your mind? Not necessarily, but visualization can be a valuable part of your workout.
  • People who cross-train with a variety of exercise are more fit and less injury-prone than those who exercise using only one or two exercise modalities.

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