Wednesday 11 April 2012

Female Fitness for Real People: No, I Can’t Do a Pull-Up or Jog a Mile…Where Do I Begin?

Good news, I can run again. I obviously have to take it slowly for now and not push myself 2 much. The below article got me even more motivated, I will be concentrating on this website for the next couple of weeks and sharing all tips with you guys on how to start an exercise program, strategies and sticking to your goal.

if you want to check it out,

It all begins with your attitude and your mindset.   You may be 10 pounds overweight and a have a few trouble spots on your thighs or you may be 100 pounds overweight.  The only difference between the two is the fact that it will take the 100 pounds a bit longer to come off.  But, you know what?  The time is going to pass anyway, isn’t it?  Whether you are changing your lifestyle and learning new, healthy habits or sitting on the couch watching television and eating potato chips, the time will pass.  Won’t it be wonderful this time next year when you can look back and realise it was all worth the small changes you’ll need to make in your life?  Of course it will be!
With that in mind, let’s take a look at female fitness for real people. You may not be able to do a pull-up or jog a mile (yet), but here are the steps to get you there:

Start a Food/Exercise Journal, Right Now!

Tracking what you eat and how you exercise are important tools.  After even one week you’ll be able to assess what you’ve done and look for areas of improvement.  Don’t track your food by calories.  That’s not necessary.  Instead, check out some of our healthy eating articles to learn about the right foods.  Your female fitness plan should be focused on changes, not restrictions.

Exercise / Start Where You Are!

So you can’t do a pull up or run the mile, right?  That’s okay.  Start where you can by making changes to your daily routine.  Set aside a solid 30 minutes at least 3 times per week to get your heart pumping.  Bike riding, swimming, or power walking are a great way to begin.  The whole goal here is to get you “in the routine” and used to exercising.  Cardio exercise not only burns calories, but also promotes feelings of well being.  You’ll find yourself looking forward to your exercise routines and that’s when the changes really begin.  As you continue to push yourself and add new things to your sessions (like weight lifting or Pilates) you’ll begin to get a glimpse of that person you desire to see in the mirror.  That is the best motivator of all!

A Word on Food.

As we mentioned, female fitness is a way of life and shouldn’t be centred around negative emotions or restrictions.  That’s setting yourself up for defeat.  You’ll probably need to do a cupboard and refrigerator cleanse when you first begin. Get rid of packaged, processed snacks, sweets, quickie frozen meals, ice cream, and other tempting but unhealthy foods.  Now, is the fun part.  Start replacing those things with fresh, whole foods, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and lean meats.  You can read more on this in our other articles.  Pay attention to food labels and don’t assume that packaged food labeled ‘low-fat’ or ‘diet’ is actually good for you.
Now that you’ve got the first steps in place, it’s time to begin.  Start making changes today!  Half of the battle is over, you’ve made the decision to begin.  Now take action in that direction.  Remember…six months or a year is going to pass anyway.

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