Wednesday 29 February 2012

Weigh in results were not 2 bad, from 9 Feb -29 Feb I have lost 500g and 5cm. Not as much as I would have liked I will admit, but better than nothing. I have to remind myself that I am gaining muscle mass which weighs more than fat. Tonight on the schedule we have ZUMBA! I feel like an idiot when doing Zumba and I ensure that no-one sees me as I do not have a lot of rhythm and must look like a monkey when doing it haha... I enjoyed spending some time with my family tonight, all the exercise does take it's toll and I miss them a lot when I am not around for bed time. I am working on going to the gym in the morning while they are all sleaping, but I def need God's help to do this as I have proven to myself more than once that I cannot get up in the morning by myself.
3 sleeps before 'bootycamp' as my Siss calls it and I cannot wait. It is going to be awesome to spend some quality time with her and to keep each other motivated as we go along.

Tomorrow is rest day and I will be resting!

Healthy tip - one for the ladies: Popeye was onto something with his spinach... Not only does it have the capability to prevent disease with regard to conditions like macular degeneration but it also helps for period pain! 85% of women suffer from PMS. The intake of Thiamin (vit B1) and Vit B2 which is found in spinach has been proven to reduce PMS symptoms by up to 35%! So next time leave the Nurofen and go for the Spinach!

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