Sunday 26 February 2012

So a few weeks ago, I decided that it was time to get my body the way that it should be, in shape... I was very reluctant at first as I know what it takes to get in shape.

Getting fit has been on my mind for a some time now. The day that I decided to make it happen, I took my staffy for a jog. So turned out that he would take me for a jog and the result was stretched/damaged ligaments in my knee (ligaments which I tore 3 years before). I had to go to physio this time and that was where it all started. I had a great physio, who pushed me all the way and showed me what I am capable of. I had a lightbulb moment. I do not need someone to push me, I can push myself.

Since then I have been going to the gym, but was not 100% committed. As I started to move closer to God and I realised that my body is His temple and that I have to look after myself for Him. That was my final motivation, I WILL DO THIS. And if I cannot use myself as motivation I will use HIM.

I have entered the Jozirun that is taking place on the 21st of March (ouch- not much time left!!) but I am very xcited about this as my little bro will be doing it with me. My FIRST race ever!

On another note, my awesome Sister and I will be doing a bootcamp on the 3rd of March. CANNOT WAIT! She inspires me sooo much and is my true role model.

*** No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch***

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Gis!! Wish I could have that "moment" and get my @$$ into gear :)
