Wednesday 29 February 2012


Weigh in results were not 2 bad, from 9 Feb -29 Feb I have lost 500g and 5cm. Not as much as I would have liked I will admit, but better than nothing. I have to remind myself that I am gaining muscle mass which weighs more than fat. Tonight on the schedule we have ZUMBA! I feel like an idiot when doing Zumba and I ensure that no-one sees me as I do not have a lot of rhythm and must look like a monkey when doing it haha... I enjoyed spending some time with my family tonight, all the exercise does take it's toll and I miss them a lot when I am not around for bed time. I am working on going to the gym in the morning while they are all sleaping, but I def need God's help to do this as I have proven to myself more than once that I cannot get up in the morning by myself.
3 sleeps before 'bootycamp' as my Siss calls it and I cannot wait. It is going to be awesome to spend some quality time with her and to keep each other motivated as we go along.

Tomorrow is rest day and I will be resting!

Healthy tip - one for the ladies: Popeye was onto something with his spinach... Not only does it have the capability to prevent disease with regard to conditions like macular degeneration but it also helps for period pain! 85% of women suffer from PMS. The intake of Thiamin (vit B1) and Vit B2 which is found in spinach has been proven to reduce PMS symptoms by up to 35%! So next time leave the Nurofen and go for the Spinach!

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Early bird fail! I overslept this morning and I am very disappointed about it. I will still do my 45mins biking though, will have to squeeze it in before cell tonight. I will not allow anything do get me down today, Lord please lift my spirit.

Exercise tip of the day: Something else that I learned from my physio is to be in control of my body before attempting any type of exercise. Control your body, breathe right and DO NOT attempt to multitask. You have to concentrate on your breathing and doing the movement right. Leave the chatting for later, focus on yourself!

Monday 27 February 2012

early bird...

Tomorrow's workout will be @ 05:00. I have cell group tomorrow eve, I have to recharge my batteries and the only way to do that is to praise our awesome God and get to know HIM better.

45 mins cross training tomorrow morning, any cardio activity except running. Hiking, stair climbing, swimming, biking are great examples.. Biking is my choice of cardio when not running. Might have a sore bum when I am done, but it is so worth it.

did I do it, did I beat my previous time?

Yes I did! My time was 23:22 mins
I am so happy and motivated right now! Nothing can change/ take away this feeling of success. Trust me, you WANT to feel like this!
Off to gym in a couple of hours, tonight's workout: speed workout... 2.4km of which 800m run, 800m run fast, 4mins recover, run 800m. Last time was 32mins incl 4mins recovery. Push, push, push 2night, want to better my time with atleast 6mins! Tune in later to see if I reached my goal time

Myth busted #1

People who are on diets generally cut out Peanut butter as it is very high in fat. The thing is, it is high in the RIGHT fat.. You can consume 1-2 tablespoons of peanut butter 5 times a week!!!
If you like me, LOOOVE peanut butter, all I can say is, go big! OK wait, not 2 big now...

my first cell phone post...

First one did not go that well :-/... So if you see some funny shizz that's why haha.

You are the only one who can control what you do. You CHOOSE how much you eat, you CHOOSE what exercises you will do today, you CHOOSE to be negative. Change your attitude towards life and life will change it's attitude towards you
What are my goals for today?
1. Watch what I eat
2. Watch my temper

Think that is a much as I can handle for one day haha
So tomorrow is weigh-in day, excited but very nervous! Will the scale show the results or should I not rely on the scale for now and rather just focus on getting fit?! what do you think? Some results are noticeable, but not nearly as much as I would have hoped to see by now.

Read a quote once, it takes 4 weeks for you to notice results, 8 weeks for your friends to notice results and 12 weeks for the rest of the world. Going on week 3 now...

Sunday 26 February 2012

So a few weeks ago, I decided that it was time to get my body the way that it should be, in shape... I was very reluctant at first as I know what it takes to get in shape.

Getting fit has been on my mind for a some time now. The day that I decided to make it happen, I took my staffy for a jog. So turned out that he would take me for a jog and the result was stretched/damaged ligaments in my knee (ligaments which I tore 3 years before). I had to go to physio this time and that was where it all started. I had a great physio, who pushed me all the way and showed me what I am capable of. I had a lightbulb moment. I do not need someone to push me, I can push myself.

Since then I have been going to the gym, but was not 100% committed. As I started to move closer to God and I realised that my body is His temple and that I have to look after myself for Him. That was my final motivation, I WILL DO THIS. And if I cannot use myself as motivation I will use HIM.

I have entered the Jozirun that is taking place on the 21st of March (ouch- not much time left!!) but I am very xcited about this as my little bro will be doing it with me. My FIRST race ever!

On another note, my awesome Sister and I will be doing a bootcamp on the 3rd of March. CANNOT WAIT! She inspires me sooo much and is my true role model.

*** No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch***