Friday 23 November 2012


Yesterday, we visited Thusanang PreSchool as part of our Social Responsibility day at work. We had such a great time giving back to those in need.
We made a day of it and painted their assembly room, revamped their veggie patch, fixed the swings and much more. We also had the privilege of watching their little faces light up as they got their Christmas gifts.
It was part of the paint-crew and phew, what a workout! Not stiff today, but sure that I will feel it tomorrow! Talking about tomorrow, I am looking forward to a Zumba class with George at VA Brightwater commons. Come join us, even if you are not a member. Class starts at 09h30. Simply complete the visitor's form at reception and come check it out. Please remember your ID if you want to visit.
Have a great weekend and remember, how you spend that 1 hour in the gym matters, but what really matters is how you spend the rest of the 24.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Day 2

Today is the second day of my lifestyle change and this is what is looks like so far.
05:15 get up to exercise - 45mins. consisted of skipping, sit-ups, leg exercises with the resistance band, punching and kicking my punchbag.

Breakfast, 2 scrambled eggs with 1 tomato, feta cheesa and greenpepper
snack: yoghurt & 1 apple
lunch: 1 chicken breast & salad
snack: nectarine and another apple

Have consumed 1.4L of water so far.

Day started off great and I am super motivated to stay on the program.

#All glory to God#

Tuesday 20 November 2012

I am back!

Hi all peeps, I know that it has been ages - way too long- since I posted anything in my blog. Truth be told, I was super demotivated and life seemed to always be in the way of me being active.
Well, I AM BACK! This is my life, I have to make time for me. Starting today, I will be posting daily again and sharing my fitness goals and successes with all of you.

My current goal is to get back on the fitness level that I was a few months ago. I have gained 2kg's and my target is back to 60kg. I will reach this by cutting out sweets (and yes I have had way too many sweets) and exercising at least 4 times a week. I will also be entering the 94.7 cycle challenge next year and won't be focusing on running as much as I did as just messes up my knee even more.

I am not proud to say that I have fallen, but I am very proud to say that I am getting back up, slowly but surely. I will not be beaten.